The reasons why visitors should not do the dishes: Why is this?


Within the world of popular beliefs and domestic mysticism, a trend has emerged that is giving people something to talk about: visitors should not wash the dishes of their hosts. But what is behind this peculiar idea? According to the clairvoyant Antonella Pilar, dishes are not simply kitchen utensils, but objects charged with a special energy that is deeply linked to the owners of the house.

The reasons why visitors should not wash your dishes: Why is this?

The theory is that each dish, when used and cared for by the family, absorbs part of its essence, becoming a symbol of their happiness, peace and harmony.

When a dish is washed by someone else, it is said that this energetic connection is interrupted, allowing the good vibrations to dissipate or even be “contaminated” by external influences. “It’s as if someone else were to touch a personal amulet,” explain the followers of this belief, who claim that this act, although well-intentioned, can bring imbalance to the home.

So the next time you have guests and someone offers to do the dishes, you might want to think twice. Courtesy or energy risk?

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