The air fryer health warning that nobody is taking into account


Take note of this important air fryer health warning

Air fryers can affect your health and it is something that nobody is taking into account, quite the opposite. So, we will have to keep an eye on this new way of cooking that will change everything. Without a doubt, there are a number of details ahead of us that could end up making a significant difference. The age of this type of appliance has become a reality. But we must be very careful about what we are cooking and how we use it.

The air fryer has become a good basic appliance that, without a doubt, has ended up being the definitive tool that we should have at home, with some precautions. We will have to pay close attention to some details that we had not previously considered. Without a doubt, the time has come to start taking into account some details of this appliance that can change everything. It is time to see how air fryers affect our health, the way in which they can give us some technical problems can make us put this appliance aside.

Nobody tells you this about air fryers

In recent years we have had to face a new reality that will affect us fully, hand in hand with an air fryer that will undoubtedly change everything. It is an appliance that has given us the necessary push to achieve some elements that will make all the difference.

Without a doubt, we have to face this situation that will end up making us react in time, with some new developments that we must take into account and that it will be essential for us to know about. The era of making chips without having to do anything more than putting them in this type of appliance and thus getting us to put aside an appliance that can make us gain weight and lose money.

We will invest a small amount of money in an item that can have a big impact on us. With a little help from us and with the arrival of some items that will save us a good amount of money. It is important to be aware of everything that comes with having a tool like this, including the benefits and contraindications.

This is the warning about air fryers that can affect your health

Experts have issued an important warning about air fryers. They are a very useful tool, but they also have their risks. Experts are quick to issue an important warning that can change everything and that can undoubtedly affect us.

From the University of Turkey we receive important news that we would not have taken into account until now. In the same way that AESAN can also provide some important news about a compound that can be very harmful to health and that sends shivers down the spine.

Being an element that can cause a serious illness. We cannot avoid it when cooking with an air fryer, especially when frying potatoes. As these experts explain: “Acrylamide is a very water-soluble, low molecular weight organic compound that forms when certain starchy foods are cooked at temperatures above 120 ºC and low humidity (frying, roasts); this is mainly due to the Maillard reaction, which occurs between certain amino acids, such as free asparagine, and reducing sugars (glucose, fructose and others) and which gives food a golden color, also influencing its flavor.

Acrylamide is classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as a probable human carcinogen (Group 2A) because acrylamide is biotransformed into the metabolite glycidamide, which has genotoxic activity with a particular affinity for the nervous system. To date, the results of human experimentation are inconclusive as to its toxicity. Given that any level of exposure to a genotoxic substance could potentially damage DNA and lead to the onset of cancer, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has concluded that a tolerable daily intake (TDI) for acrylamide in food cannot be established. Instead, EFSA has estimated the dose range in which acrylamide is most likely to cause a small but noticeable incidence of tumors (called the neoplastic effect) or other potential adverse effects (neurological, in pre- and post-natal development and in male reproduction). The lower limit of this range (lowest confidence limit for the reference dose, BMDL10) has been determined by EFSA as a BMDL10 of 0.17 mg/kg body weight/day. For other effects, the most relevant neurological changes observed

were those with a BMDL10 of 0.43 mg/kg body weight/day. Although acrylamide has not been proven epidemiologically to be a human carcinogen, the margin of exposure raises concern about neoplastic effects based on evidence in animals.”

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