Ripped tights are no longer thrown away: you can use them for this cleaning trick


It’s a good option to give them a second life and make your house look perfect without spending more money on new products

Stockings are an accessory that is usually very versatile and useful to incorporate into different looks. They are generally worn under dresses, skirts or shorts and there is a wide variety of colors and patterns to choose from, so you can find the one you like best or that suits you best. However, it is well known that one of their weak points is their tendency to break.

Sometimes, even before leaving the house, there is a mad rush and those tights you were hoping to wear for the first time are no longer any use. Having long nails, catching this accessory with a ring or simply making a sudden movement can cause them to break. This situation creates a dilemma: what do you do if these tights have a hole in them? Can they be repaired or used for something else? Do they go straight in the bin?

A second life for cleaning

One of the laws of the circular economy that institutions are already committed to is that of reuse. Waste is a problem for the planet and, on occasions, there is the option of giving a second life to something that, in principle, was going to end up in a bin and then in a landfill. A specialist in cleaning and household tricks, @miyazhome, solved the dilemma of what to do with torn tights: put them on your hairbrush.

This social media influencer has more than 270,000 followers on her TikTok profile and this video has received more than 1,000 likes. Using only music and images, she shows how she puts a sock on her regular floor cleaning brush. She presents what she sweeps in different areas of her house and at the end shows all the lint and hair that she has been able to collect with the sock trick.

Finally, he likes it and indicates that this solution works perfectly so as not to throw away the tights and clean properly. In a way, this textile accessory fulfils the function of a mop, which is more effective than a simple brush in trapping every molecule of dust on the floor. In addition to tights, another piece of clothing that is no longer useful could be used. One such example of cleaning is to use old T-shirts as rags.

A rubber glove to remove pet hair

The social network TikTok is always full of clever tricks for cleaning the house. One that has gone viral is the one about using a rubber glove to get rid of pet hair in your house. Social media influencer Felicia Wilson pointed out in a video, with more than half a million views, that putting on this accessory and running it over the hair-covered surface removes all traces of pet hair.

If you throw everything that was on your sofa on the floor, for example, then you will have to vacuum or brush with the sock so that your house is completely clean. You will forget that your dog or cat has been there until you need to give it another pass.

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