Perfumed washing machine with the help of this easy homemade trick

Using items that are easy to find in any home will give your washing machine a unique and very pleasant smell. A DIY to keep in mind

Having a perfectly functioning washing machine in our home with a good smell of freshness is easier than many people think if you consider a simple homemade trick. Beyond the fact that there are methods, with simple steps and products that can be found in any home, there is one that stands out for being accessible and very effective: lemon, a protagonist of every DIY project.

This home trick, which went viral on the TikTok video platform, uses only one lemon, a citrus fruit known for its fresh aroma and its ability to eliminate unwanted odors that often emanate from the washing machine. However, it is important to follow each step of the method precisely to achieve the desired results.

Platforms such as Instagram and TikTok are great disseminators of these tips, reaching millions of people in many cases, all over the world.

With this simple DIY your washing machine will smell delicious.

DIY: step by step to make your washing machine smell great

To make your washing machine impeccable and give it a fresh and super pleasant scent, all you need is:

  • A lemon.
  • Toothpaste.
  • A cloth and paper towels.

With these simple ingredients, this viral method on TikTok reveals the secret to keeping the washing machine, essential in every home, in perfect condition. As if that weren’t enough, it also stands out for extending its useful life.

This do-it-yourself method, in addition to requiring easy-to-find items, stands out for its simple steps, allowing any user to do it at any time of the day.


  • Cut the lemon in half.
  • Add a layer of toothpaste to each half.
  • Add both halves to the drum of an empty washing machine (it is important that it is empty).
  • Run a normal wash cycle.
  • Once finished, dry any water or foam residue with a cloth or paper towel.
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