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South shore university women's club
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Useful Tips
Foods that should not spend more than two days in the refrigerator because they could become toxic
Useful Tips
Shelves in the shower are something for grandmothers: 3 bathroom niche ideas to get on board with the trend in decoration
Technology and Gadgets
The incredible reason why you should keep a cork in the car
Kitchen Care Tips
How to remove grease from the kitchen easily and in seconds with a piece of fruit
Cleaning Tips
Home tip: how to clean your house windows quickly and without leaving streaks
Technology and Gadgets
When the ATM doesn’t give you notes: Advice from security experts
Kitchen Care Tips
Only with 1 piece of aluminum foil; how to remove ice from the freezer
Garden & Flowers
They come from Asia, but it is increasingly common to see them in our homes: what are brown bedbugs and how can we get rid of them?
Laundry Tips
This is how the Japanese dry their washing on rainy days: a quick and easy method that doesn’t require a dryer
Kitchen Care Tips
The trick that professionals use with cleaning gloves so that they don’t get in the way. We’ve always done it wrong
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