This utensil is used practically every day to prepare the different dishes we eat throughout the day, which means it is a magnet for dirt.
When it comes to cleaning our home, one of the rooms that causes us the most headaches is undoubtedly the kitchen. The preparation of the constant dishes and recipes that we can make thanks to the appliances that are usually available results in a progressive accumulation of dirt that can be difficult to eradicate if we are not careful.
In this sense, one of the utensils that suffers the most in the preparation of our daily meals is the frying pan. This is a tool that, due to the oil and grease released by some of the foods we cook on it, ends up with numerous residues sticking to its surface, especially when they end up burning due to excessive exposure to the heat of the glass-ceramic hob.
To get rid of all that dirt, there are products specially designed for this job, although the price can be too high in some cases. As an alternative to these, we can resort to certain homemade cleaning tricks that will allow us to keep our pans just as shiny as the first day while saving money in the process.
Homemade cleaning method
This homemade cleaning remedy only requires three ingredients, which are dishwashing liquid, either in liquid or tablet form, a soft brush and a little water. Once all these elements are prepared, we can start to remove the dirt from our pans by mixing the water with the dishwashing liquid.
After that, we will use our glass ceramic hob to heat the soapy water to a moderate temperature until it starts to boil. This is the moment to turn off the appliance and let the mixture stand for a few minutes so that it can take effect on the dirt adhered to the surface of our pan.
Once this time has passed, empty the pan and wash it by hand with a soft brush and dishwashing soap to finish the washing process, rinsing and drying the utensil properly. With this method, we will be able to remove any stain from our pan, no matter how resistant it is, and give it a second life.