Neither vinegar nor tap water: the simple trick for washing strawberries safely and eating them without risk


Strawberries are one of the most delicious fruits around. However, it is also true that they tend to appear on the Dirty Dozen, an annual report produced by the US Environmental Working Group (EWG), which identifies the agricultural products with the highest presence of pesticide residues. And they are rightfully ranked number 1, followed by spinach and kale.

It is common to wash strawberries with tap water to remove dirt and some of the pesticides. In fact, Changmou Xu, assistant professor of food processing at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, says this method can be effective to a certain extent. However, it does not guarantee total residue removal. Luckily, there is a simple and safe trick to clean strawberries efficiently that you can apply starting today.

The experts’ simple trick for washing strawberries

The most effective method is to soak the strawberries in clean water with baking soda for a few minutes. According to Xu, this solution helps neutralize acidic pesticide residues due to its slightly alkaline pH, which ranges from eight to nine.

To apply this trick, just follow these steps:

  • Fill a large container with clean water.
  • Add a few teaspoons of baking soda and mix well.
  • Submerge the strawberries in the water for a few minutes.
  • Rinse with clean water to remove any residue.
  • Dry the strawberries with a soft cloth or paper towel before eating.

This trick is safe, effective and avoids the need for vinegar, which changes the flavor of the fruit.

Another option for washing strawberries

Many people resort to commercial products to clean fruits and vegetables, but the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not recommend them. According to the FDA, washing products can be absorbed by fruits with porous skins, such as strawberries, and their safety or effectiveness has not been proven.

A simple alternative approved by experts is to wash the strawberries directly under running water, moving them with your hand to ensure that all surfaces come into contact with the water.

Another option is to place them in a sieve and rinse them carefully. Although rinsing each strawberry individually can be more tedious, it is not an essential step if a sieve is used.

Don’t wash the strawberries as soon as you get home

We may think that washing the strawberries as soon as we get back from the supermarket is the best option, but this can be a big mistake. These fruits are highly perishable and, being moist, become more prone to mold. It is advisable to wash them just before consuming them.

It is also essential to dry them well after washing. A light touch with a clean cloth or paper towel helps them retain their texture and freshness for longer.

Why are strawberries usually dirty?

Strawberries top the Dirty Dozen list for several reasons. Their skin is thin and they grow close to the ground, making them more likely to absorb pesticides and come into contact with dirt. They are also a magnet for pests and fungi, forcing growers to apply chemical treatments frequently.

“Strawberries are harvested several times a season, which requires repeated applications of pesticides throughout their growth cycle to protect them from pests. This increases the possibility of residues remaining on the fruit,” explains Changmou Xu.

The good news is that now that you know how to wash your strawberries properly, you can enjoy them without worry, on their own, in a fruit salad or however you like.

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