Here are five tricks to keep rats and mice out of your home for good.

Rats and mice can be a real nuisance in any home, causing damage and transmitting diseases. There is a simple and cheap trick to keep them at bay. There are well-known plants that act as natural repellents.

We tell you about these plants known not only for their beauty and aroma, but also for their ability to keep rats and mice away from the home, they are an effective trick to treat this pest.

To maximize the effectiveness of this trick, distribute the plants in different areas both inside and outside your home. Place pots in strategic locations and make sure they receive proper care to maintain their strength.


Although the scent of peppermint is fresh and pleasant to many people, rats and mice do not like it at all. To use it as an effective trick, put fresh mint leaves in small cloth bags, preferably made of muslin, and distribute them in strategic places in your home.

Peppermint is an easy-to-grow plant native to Europe, Asia and Africa and has been used for centuries in natural remedies against rodents. Its scent is an effective trick to keep rats and mice away.


With its distinctive purple flowers and fresh scent, lavender is known for its ability to keep rodents away. Although its scent is pleasant to the human sense of smell, it is a natural trick for rats and mice.


Basil is not only useful in the kitchen, but also acts as a natural deterrent for rats and mice. Experts recommend planting basil in strategic locations around the home or brewing a basil tea to spray on areas where rats are present as an effective trick.

Benefits of this trick

Incorporating these plants into your environment is not only a trick that adds a natural touch to your home, but also an eco-friendly and effective solution to keep rats and mice away without harming them.

Moreover, these plants are easy to care for and can be grown either in the garden or in pots indoors. Unlike traps or chemicals, this trick with plants requires a smaller initial investment and can last a long time with proper care.

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