Without doubt one of the best inventions in the kitchen has to do with something that allows you to cook quickly. And if you are already an independent adult, you will surely know how long it can take you to be in the kitchen preparing food, or even worse, washing dishes. One of those great inventions of fast food is the microwave.
That’s right, that kitchen appliances item that has many weaknesses for the most distracted, such as a rotating glass plate, which is not accident-proof. Or the weakness it has with some types of metals, which in the worst case scenario, could explode in a few seconds. Be that as it may, what you should bear in mind is that the cleaning process is just as special.
How to properly clean the inside of a microwave
If you have used one of these appliances, you will know that it is tremendously practical, however, it is very dirty. If you make the mistake of putting food in without a protector, you will notice that the grease and substances from the food have exploded, and now all the walls of the appliance, as well as the glass plate itself, are dirty.
The good news is that there is a solution, the bad news is that you can’t use just any substance. But the brands provide various tips in their instructions, such as Midea, which recommends that you unplug the microwave before cleaning the inside. Ideally, you should clean with a damp cloth, using a mixture of water and half a lemon for every 300 ml of water.
Meanwhile, LG suggests that you first place a container of water and heat for three minutes, as the steam generated helps to soften and remove grease, as long as you use a damp cloth. Mabe, on the other hand, recommends that you first remove the bad smell from the food by heating a mixture of bicarbonate of soda and water, or water with white vinegar, the last step being to remove the excess with a damp cloth.
These mixtures are an urban myth, for this reason, it is enriching that some brands confirm their effectiveness and recommend it to their users. Finally, all brands agree that the plate and accessories should be removed and washed as if they were dishes: with soap, water and a sponge. This will also allow you to wipe more areas of the microwave.