A neighbor taught me how to get rid of water in the rubber band of the washing machine: now I don’t have to worry about mold and unpleasant odors

When using household appliances, owners often encounter problems, the solution of which requires specialized knowledge or referral to professionals. One of such common problems is the accumulation of water in the rubber seal of the washing machine after the end of the wash cycle.

This phenomenon not only causes discomfort, but can also lead to serious consequences: the appearance of mold, unpleasant odors and even premature wear of the rubber cuff. Many users try to solve this problem with standard methods – airing the drum or wiping off the moisture with a dry cloth, but these methods do not eliminate the root cause of the phenomenon. Fortunately, there is a simple and effective solution that allows you to completely get rid of this problem without involving specialists and additional costs.

It is necessary to understand the cause of the problem of water retention in the rubber seal.

Many washing machine owners notice that even with regular ventilation of the drum by leaving the door open after washing, water still remains in the folds of the cuff. This creates ideal conditions for the development of mold and the appearance of unpleasant odors, which can negatively affect the hygiene of the laundry and the general condition of the room.

Most users have to resort to the time-consuming process of removing the moisture manually with a dry cloth or towel.

This method is not only time consuming, but also requires some care to qualitatively dry all the folds on the rubber cuff. In addition, this approach only removes the consequences of the problem without addressing its source, resulting in the need to repeat the procedure after each wash.

The main solution to the problem lies in the design features of the washing machine itself.

Manufacturers have provided special drainage holes in the rubber seal, designed precisely for draining accumulated water. These holes are located in the folds of the rubber cuff and often go unnoticed by users. Over time, these drainage channels become clogged with fine debris, powder residues, fabric fibers and other contaminants, causing them to malfunction.

To restore the normal functioning of the drainage system, a simple preventive procedure is required – cleaning these openings.

This task can be performed using ordinary household tools, for example, a Phillips screwdriver of a suitable size. It is important to remember that this manipulation should be carried out carefully so as not to damage the rubber cuff, which is a rather delicate element of the washing machine.

The cleaning process itself is quite simple and does not require any special skills.

It is necessary to carefully bend the rubber seal and detect the drainage holes located in its folds. Depending on the model and manufacturer of the washing machine, the configuration of these holes may vary – some models have several small holes, while others have one larger one. Then you should carefully insert the tip of a screwdriver into the detected hole and gently twist the tool, removing accumulated dirt and restoring the permeability of the drainage channel.

After performing this simple procedure, the owner of the washing machine will immediately notice a positive result – the water will no longer linger in the folds of the rubber seal, but will naturally flow into the drainage system of the machine. This eliminates the need for manual removal of moisture and significantly reduces the risk of mold and unpleasant odors, which in turn extends the life of both the gasket and the washing machine as a whole.

Regular maintenance of the drainage holes in the rubber cuff of the washing machine is a simple but effective way to maintain the hygiene and functionality of your household appliances. This simple process does not require any special skills or specialized equipment, but it can prevent serious problems and extend the life of your washing machine. We recommend including this procedure in your regular maintenance schedule by cleaning the drain holes approximately every six months or at the first sign of water accumulation in the collar.

This approach will not only ensure the proper functioning of the washing machine, but will also create more comfortable and hygienic conditions of use for an important household appliance.

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