Find out what the inner grill of the air fryer is for and how to get the most out of it with these tips

We tell you all about the accessory included with this essential for your kitchen

If you are one of those who already have an air fryer at home, you will surely have wondered at first how each of its parts works. But if you don’t have one yet, this information might convince you, as we will tell you all about the inner grid of this appliance and how to get the most out of it.

Although the air fryer has been around for a few years now, we still wonder how it manages to fry using only air. Although we already know that it works like a hair dryer for food, here we are going to tell you how it works.

How does the air fryer work?

Believe it or not, this is not such a new technology that works thanks to two very relevant things: a resistance (yes, like the one we saw at our parents’ or grandparents’ house) and a fan that circulates the hot air.

The basket of the fryer with its holes or slots allows the heat to surround the food from all angles, which means that, depending on the degree of cooking, the food is completely crispy in just a couple of minutes.

One of the advantages of air fryers (and the best one, without a doubt), is that you can fry food without using oil, which makes this appliance a very healthy solution for those who are looking to take care of their health.

Using an air fryer is fantastic, especially if you are one of those who love to cook at home, but don’t have enough time in the day to make elaborate recipes.

Aha, and the rack?

Knowing how air fryers work and their constant and homogeneous circulation of heat, thanks to a system of fans inside, the famous basket becomes our secret weapon.

The air fryer rack has two main functions:

  • By raising the food, the hot air can circulate freely around it, cooking it evenly on all sides. This prevents it from burning or sticking to the basket.
  • The rack is designed with small holes that allow excess fat and oil from the food to drip down to the base of the fryer. This helps make the food healthier and prevents the basket from getting too dirty.

Tips for using the air fryer rack:

  • Make sure the rack is securely placed in the basket before you start cooking.
  • Do not overfill the basket. If the food is too tightly packed, the hot air will not be able to circulate properly and the food will not cook evenly.
  • Preheat the air fryer before placing the rack with the food on it.
  • Shake the basket or stir the food halfway through the cooking time to make sure it cooks evenly.
  • Clean the rack after each use with hot soapy water.

In short, the air fryer rack is an essential tool for cooking food healthily and evenly, one that we can take advantage of to prepare delicious recipes quickly.

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