Your home could burn out if you turn off the air fryer like this


The air fryer has become one of the most fashionable kitchen appliances of recent years, but few people know that using it with baking paper in the basket can be dangerous.

It is no longer just a favourite of small households, as the proliferation of large-capacity versions means you can cook enough meat or side dishes for several people without the smell of oil spreading throughout the house. However, cleaning the basket is a headache for many – there is a simple solution, but it can also be a fire hazard if not used properly.

You can now buy baskets made of silicone or baking paper for the trays inair fryers : the former is of course reusable, while the latter should be used just like classic baking paper.

You put it in the tray of the oven, then you can put whatever you want to prepare on it, and finally you can throw away the dirty baking paper with a simple movement.

How to make a fire of using an air fryer

If you delay this stage because you don’t want to reach into the hot basket, but you put the tray in place out of habit, you could be in serious trouble. The fan of the hot-air oven is still rotating at this point, which can pick up the used baking paper, which can easily catch fire from the heating element. The same thing can happen if you preheat the air fryer, but you do this with the baking paper already in the basket.

It is therefore very important that you never put the oven basket in the machine with the liner lined but empty.

You can also use plain baking paper to line the tray: the torn piece should not be too large, however, so that it does not accidentally touch the heating element. According to the pros, it may not be a good idea to keep the oven from spilling anything: the result will be crispier if you at least poke a few holes in the bottom of the baking paper. Then the excess moisture can drip off and the food doesn’t have to cook in it.

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