Grandma’s super tip for cleaning your blender and preventing food from sticking to it


If there is one kitchen appliance that always makes our heads ‘ache’ because it gets very dirty and sometimes we don’t manage to remove the dirt and bacteria quickly, it is without a doubt the blender or liquidizer. However, there is a great and practical tip that you can start implementing in your daily life so that it is totally perfect and super clean, as well as shiny.

The first thing you are going to do, once you have finished using your blender/juicer, whether you have blended vegetables or fruit, or whatever it was, is to fill it with water and liquid soap or detergent, you can use either one, and put the lid on. Carefully start to blend this mixture together and you will see how each piece of residue that was stuck in the blender comes out, believe it or not.

After several minutes, turn off the blender and tip the mixture into your kitchen sink. Rinse the blender thoroughly, as if you were cleaning it as part of your normal routine, and leave it to dry well.

Once you have done this, your blender is ready to use again whenever you want and to blend those foods that you love. This appliance really becomes something very essential in the home, especially if we are looking after our habits because we make our nutritious smoothies, we blend vegetables and fruits for detox juices, super nutritious homemade sauces for meals and other options.

Keep in mind that the blender needs a good cleaning every so often, you can even use lemon juice and bicarbonate of soda for those deeper cleanings, so that it stays very clean and radiant, since we are putting food in it that we then ingest. Put this homemade and super economical trick into practice right now because you will see the benefits in the short term.

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