Rice is one of the most consumed foods by Argentines and one that most have in their cupboards. But beware, not all is good quality. Here are the differences
“Plastic rice” or low quality rice is a food fraud that puts the health of consumers at risk. This type of rice product, made with plastics such as PVC or polymers, is then taken to supermarkets. We tell you about the differences between an original rice and a low-quality one.
What is plastic or low-quality rice?
The term “plastic rice product” refers to a rice product whose nutritional value is adulterated and means that the grains do not have the quality or cooking texture of authentic rice.
It is estimated that fake rice products are manufactured and marketed mainly in countries where regulation is weak and the demand for rice products is high, creating a market for counterfeit products. While in most cases fake rice products are mixed with genuine rice, they are sometimes marketed as a separate product, causing confusion among consumers.
Tips for identifying low-quality rice
Although low-quality rice may look like the original type of rice, there are several ways to detect it through observation and simple tests. These are some of the most effective ways to identify this fraud:
One of the best known methods for identifying plastic rice is the fire test. If you place a few grains of rice in a metal spoon and light them with a match or lighter, the low quality rice will melt, while the real thing will not.
Although at first glance it is difficult to differentiate between plastic rice and real rice, some differences can be noticed on closer inspection. Grains of rice of poor quality are usually shinier and more perfectly shaped. Natural rice has a duller texture and may have slight imperfections or variations in size. In addition, plastic rice is usually more uniform and a very bright white colour.
Another way to detect bad rice is by using the water test. Place a small amount of rice grain in a bowl of water and observe the behavior of the grains. Real rice grains sink in water, while plastic rice will float on the surface due to its lower density.
Check the origin and the label
One of the most effective methods of avoiding bad rice products is to buy them from reputable sources and to check the labels carefully. Make sure that the rice comes from a recognized source, preferably a brand that has been certified by the health authorities. If the price of the rice is suspiciously low or if there is no clear information about its origin, it is advisable to look for another product or brand.